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April Marie MaiOffline

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      April Marie Mai added new product

      2 months, 1 week ago

      iPad for April Marie Mai

      You can help me get my first iPad for making art, allowing me to draw and paint again in a way I can't anymore because of my tremors and disabilities. It will give me the ability to use Procreate to draw, paint and even animate, so I can create and share the art inside of me with the world. Thank you!

    About Me


    April Marie Mai

    Visual Artist, Educator, and Creator of this Website

    April Marie Mai is a vibrant and thoughtful artist based in Kansas City, whose work serves as a vivid dialogue on the intricacies of human emotion and identity. As an Autistic and Disabled creator, April brings a unique and insightful perspective to their art, exploring themes of acceptance, diversity, and the beauty found in life's complexities.

    Their diverse body of work, which includes digital illustrations, paintings, and mixed media, reflects April's deep engagement with their inner landscape and the world around them. April's art is characterized by bold use of color and innovative textures, inviting viewers into a deeper conversation about what it means to truly see and appreciate each other's differences.

    An active member of the local art scene, April shares their creations not for prestige, but for the genuine connections and conversations that art can inspire. Their hope is to spark reflection, offer new viewpoints, and cultivate a sense of belonging and community through their work. April's art is a celebration of diversity, a call for accessibility, and an exploration of the therapeutic power of creative expression.

    April Marie Mai is making an impactful contribution to Kansas City's artistic landscape, aiming to bridge gaps and foster understanding through their art. They invite you to join in this journey of discovery, to explore the depths of human experience together, and to celebrate the diversity that enriches our world.


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