Vibrant Visual Artist & Educator

April Marie Mai

Unintentional Exclusion is Still Exclusion

Detail photograph of "Forest," an impasto abstract painting with blues, greens, white, and yellow.

We don’t usually see the hurdles we’ve put up that aren’t hurdles to us. Arts and other types of organizations are often selecting for things they aren’t intending to, and in the process losing access to applicants that could be a great fit.

5 Reasons Not to Seek an Adult Autism Diagnosis

5 Reasons You Might Not Want to Pursue an Autism Diagnosis as an Adult in the United States. Disclaimer: This is based on my experiences and knowledge and Autistic experiences vary wildly. By April Marie Mai, Autistic Artist 1/12

There are many adults realizing they have had Autism all along, and thinking about getting a diagnosis. I am diagnosed. For me the pros outweighed the cons. But it’s important that you know the cons as you’re deciding whether or not to get an Autism Assessment.

Don’t make ANY decisions based on this information. Talk with your doctor and lawyer to figure out what is best for you.

**This is not medical or legal advice.**

Autism Awareness Month

"Laughter" by April Marie Mai, Acrylic, and Glitter on Canvas, 24"x24" 2023

How to celebrate Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month, plus information on what Autism is and what we experience!


Disabled is not a bad word. Disability is neutral; it's not bad or good, it's just a part of life. It's not a choice. Treating it as if it is shameful or bad is ableism. The problem is that disabled people are not included in society. We're not included in plans for spaces or communities. We're not included in having our basic needs met and our voices heard.

Disabled is not a bad word.

Disability is neutral; it’s not bad or good, it’s just a part of life. It’s not a choice. Treating it as if it is shameful or bad is ableism.

The problem is that disabled people are not included in society. We’re not included in plans for spaces or communities. We’re not included in having our basic needs met and our voices heard.

Watermelon Impasto Detail

Watermelon Painting Detail by April Marie Mai

A close up of my impasto painting, “Watermelon.” Beautiful colors dancing in rainbows on this abstract artwork.

Please follow Crutches and Spice for a lot of helpful disability content from Imani Barbarin. She’s amazing.
crutchesandspice . com

Why I Make Autism Content

"Autistics are making content about our lives and experiences because our input has been ignored in studies. It's always been about what others think of us, how they want us to be different. We've learned we were just right all along. We just want to be valued as much as other humans and included in this world that was designed to exclude us." -April Marie Mai

“Autistics are making content about our lives and experiences because our input has been ignored in studies. It’s always been about what others think of us, how they want us to be different. We’ve learned we were just right all along. We just want to be valued as much as other humans and included in this world that was designed to exclude us.”
-April Marie Mai

[Image description: above quote in the middle with pastel watercolor in the background and 6 different flowers in different colors.]

10 Tips to Host a Disability Inclusive Halloween

"TRICK or treat" in swirly hand lettering by Nicky Laatz with "TRICK" in "Smoke" Painting and "treat" in "Marigold" Painting by me on a crumpled paper background, with "April Marie Mai" at the bottom

Make sure you’re including everyone in the fun!

[Image Description: “TRICK or treat” in swirly hand lettering by @NickyLaatz with “TRICK” in “Smoke” Painting and “treat” in “Marigold” Painting by me on a crumpled paper background, with “April Marie Mai” at the bottom]

AuDHD Definition

If you didn't know, Autism + ADHD = AuDHD. @AprilMarieMai [on a blue card with flowers and leaves poking out from behind it]

We’re developing our own terminology. Here’s an important one to know!

[Image Description: “If you didn’t know, Autism + ADHD = AuDHD. @AprilMarieMai” on a blue card with flowers and leaves poking out from behind it]