Vibrant Visual Artist & Educator

April Marie Mai

A Winner Is Extremely Stubborn

"A winner is just a person who is extremely stubborn. Yep, it's you. Don't argue with me. -April Marie Mai" in all-capitals white text on a photograph taken from above blue clouds.

I like to turn those “A winner is…” quotes on their head by remaking them into something better! This photograph reminds me of my love of skydiving. I miss it!

[Image Description: “A winner is just a person who is extremely stubborn. Yep, it’s you. Don’t argue with me.
-April Marie Mai” in all-capitals white text on a photograph taken from above blue clouds.]

So Much Art to Make

"So much art to make in such little time! -April Marie Mai" in a vibrant modern chunky font in dark coral pink, with an asterisk in the same pink in the top right corner and a rainbow of coral, pinks, and blue in the bottom right corner, on a lite pink background.

This is how I’ve always felt!

“So much art to make in such little time! -April Marie Mai”

I could fill many lifetimes with artmaking. In the meantime, I have to pick and choose between ideas, because I only have one life. ;)

Perfection is Boring

Perfection is boring. Love your imperfections. They are what make you unique. -April Marie Mai

Perfection is boring. Love your imperfections. They are what make you unique. -April Marie Mai

Drink Your Water & I’ll See You Tonight!

Drink your water. You heard me. Drink it all. If you need to flavor it with tea or something else, do it. - April Marie Mai

Please take care of yourself! And remember, I have an opening tonight at InterUrban ArtHouse in Overland Park from 5-8pm. I’ll see you there, and be kind to yourself!

Drink your water. You heard me. Drink it all. If you need to flavor it with tea or something else, do it. – April Marie Mai

Laziness Doesn’t Exist

There is no such thing as lazy. We all need rest. Rest recharges us. Rest is the only way we can keep going. Give yourself rest when you can. - April Marie Mai

There is no such thing as lazy. We all need rest. Rest recharges us. Rest is the only way we can keep going. Give yourself rest when you can. – April Marie Mai

You are Amazing!

You may not realize it, but you are amazing. - April Marie Mai

You may not realize it, but you are amazing. – April Marie Mai