Vibrant Visual Artist & Educator

April Marie Mai

Unintentional Exclusion is Still Exclusion

Detail photograph of "Forest," an impasto abstract painting with blues, greens, white, and yellow.

We don’t usually see the hurdles we’ve put up that aren’t hurdles to us. Arts and other types of organizations are often selecting for things they aren’t intending to, and in the process losing access to applicants that could be a great fit.


Disabled is not a bad word. Disability is neutral; it's not bad or good, it's just a part of life. It's not a choice. Treating it as if it is shameful or bad is ableism. The problem is that disabled people are not included in society. We're not included in plans for spaces or communities. We're not included in having our basic needs met and our voices heard.

Disabled is not a bad word.

Disability is neutral; it’s not bad or good, it’s just a part of life. It’s not a choice. Treating it as if it is shameful or bad is ableism.

The problem is that disabled people are not included in society. We’re not included in plans for spaces or communities. We’re not included in having our basic needs met and our voices heard.

10 Tips to Host a Disability Inclusive Halloween

"TRICK or treat" in swirly hand lettering by Nicky Laatz with "TRICK" in "Smoke" Painting and "treat" in "Marigold" Painting by me on a crumpled paper background, with "April Marie Mai" at the bottom

Make sure you’re including everyone in the fun!

[Image Description: “TRICK or treat” in swirly hand lettering by @NickyLaatz with “TRICK” in “Smoke” Painting and “treat” in “Marigold” Painting by me on a crumpled paper background, with “April Marie Mai” at the bottom]